



아이디어 마감

2005-02-25 ~ 2005-03-18

Coney Island

다운로드  양식다운로드 공모전 홈페이지
Type:Open Registration Deadline:February 25, 2005 Submission Deadline:April 18, 2005 Open to:All Entry Fee:US$60 (US$30 Students) Awards:US$28,000 Total Jury:Carol Hill Albert, Paola Antonelli, Jon Benguiat, J. Max Bond, Jr., Michael A. Manfredi, Sheryl Robertson, David Rockwell, Jennifer Siegal, Joshua Sirefman, Julius Spiegel and Marc Tsurumaki The Parachute Pavilion: an Open Design Competition for Coney Island invites designers worldwide to generate innovative design proposals for a project that contributes to a 21st-century vision for Coney Island. In concert with the Coney Island Development Corporations (CIDC) planning initiatives, Van Alen Institute (VAI) is directing a competition for a project ambitious in program and design on a significant site in Coney Islands amusement district, in the shadow of the famed Parachute Jump-an iconic reminder of Coney Island history that is now a designated landmark. The Pavilion design will play a key role in the ongoing revival of Coney Island, with implications for urban recreation in New York City waterfront communities and beyond. The Parachute Pavilion is planned to be an all-season generator of activity, drawing the public onto the boardwalk, the beach and Surf Avenue, and to a new recreational destination. Throughout history, pavilions have acted as catalysts for animating parks, waterfronts and urban districts by accommodating a myriad of recreational and commercial activities as well as being paradigms of innovative design. This competition will invite designers to stretch the limits of what a pavilion can be, both formally and programmatically, connecting it to both the history and future of Coney Island. PARACHUTE PAVILION COMPETITION Coney Island Development Corporation

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